

留学で人生を棒に振る日本人―“英語コンプレックス”が生み出す悲劇 (扶桑社新書)作者: 栄陽子出版社/メーカー: 扶桑社発売日: 2007/03/23メディア: 新書購入: 7人 クリック: 95回この商品を含むブログ (25件) を見るJapanese people waste their life by stud…


First weekday 1 When we arrived at the San Francisco International airport, we met the host students from Stanforod. we were surprised at the passion of them. they claimed out "hooo!! Welcome!!"day 2 Since i had to build up my physical str…


57Advices for lazy peopleなまけもののあなたがうまくいく57の法則作者: 本田直之出版社/メーカー: 大和書房発売日: 2009/07/16メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)購入: 16人 クリック: 60回この商品を含むブログ (69件) を見る there are 57 advice for suc…


From Saturday to today, i went to Oze for the training camp of futsal and baseball.i dont know the reason why i had headache after i drunk just a little, it was really troublesome.i wanted to talk a lot, but because of the headache, i coul…


I begin to write this blog in English, since it's important to touch "English" in my daily life. And also writing "introduce books" -one of the main points of this blog- in English, it's really helpful to improve my English.I will write jo…