
57Advices for lazy people



there are 57 advice for such person.
and i will introduce some advices which impressed me.

do in the order of what you come up with
for a lazy person, the priority order comes to be burden and put you stress if you can't do it in the priority order.
and doing in the order of what you come up with, you can do it unconsciously, though the total things you do today won't change.
of course in a case of a long period, it's important to make some priorities, but for our daily lives, priority will comes to be a kind of one's assignment and it makes you frustlating.

focus on the first 10 days (don't make an effort on continuing)
doing something for 10days successively, i can see the effect of it after 10days.
and if you continue for 10days, it will become a kind of habit.
and hobit doesn't make you frustrating.
so make an effort on making it hobit not on continuing.

involve others
to do something which needs continuing, compulsion power from outside is important.
the most effective compulsion power from outside is the eyes of others!!
being with others, you won't come to compromise yourselves and also you can feel happy and share the experience with others.

write the results on my schedule-diary
you should buy two diaries, one is for your schedule and the other is for writing the results of your day.
output is the very effctive way for a person to remind or remember what you did.
by writing the results, you can see the effect of something and see how you are lazy.